{watching} nothing, i'm tryin to get some photos edited.
{drinking} coffee in large quantities!
{wearing} my sweats...not gonna lie...might just wear them all day.
{listening to} jack watching mickey mouse club house and yelling "oh toodles!"
{avoiding} starting work. my desk is in emmett's room and it stinks like boy in there....bad.
{wishing} it were warmer outside, this rain/snow is getting old.
{feeling} anxiety over the boys baseball practice/game schedule.
i'll be running all over town for the next 3 months.
{missing} hubby...he's been in portland on business for a few days.
{needing} to get back into a workout routine.
hopefully when the boys have practice i can get a workout in....hopefully.
{thinking} about what to have for dinner.
i have to start preparing first thing in the morning
or we end up with soup and grilled cheese....again.
{thankful for} the ability to still grow.
{wondering} where jack's missle car is.
we've been looking for it for months now.
{praying} for dry weather this weekend.
it's opening weekend for the baseball here!
{dreaming} of summertime. we have so many fun things planned this year!
{loving} the strawberries from albertsons.
tis the season, and i am craving them like crazy these days!
{weather is} raining, with a chance of snow....seriously.