December 20, 2010

6 Is The New Black...

He was due Christmas Eve. 
I begged him to come 2 weeks early...and he listened.

Nolan William Allen
8 lbs 6 oz
100% Perfect!

His first task was to undergo a kidney removal surgery.  He did amazing and graced us with his first smile the day after surgery.  He was born the middle child and has lived up to his title ever since.  We have endured a lot with Little Bear.  From surgery to stitches, laughter and tears, fits and snuggles.  Nolan has taught us patience and acceptance.  His passion for life is something everyone can learn from.  He has a shear determination to experience everything life has to offer.  He is a force to be reckoned with.  The word "Can't" is not in his vocabulary, for Nolan can and will do anything he sets his mind to. 

He has his father's eyes...and his strength.
He has his mother's heart.
He is our middle boy.
Our pride and joy.

He is 6 now...and it looks good on him!





  1. We love you Nolan! You are the coolest 6 year old I have ever met! Miss you guys!

  2. Great. Now my mascara is running into my beer. That boy is so wonderful and your writing, Ms. Shaunna, is making him even more so. Now stop it. I have to remain a lady.
