you know something is wrong when your loudest child
is extremely quiet.
i mean like the kind of quiet that makes you question
if you forgot to pick him up from school.
{you know what i'm talking about}
he says, "i wanted to be black today."
with absolutely no clothes on
he colored himself.
we try to never fully question little bear
for his mind is far more complex than ours.
we don't know where he got the idea to be black
but we love his passion that he fully thought a black marker
would do the trick.
the best part is after he was done
he gets his jammies on
grabs his blankets
and head to our room for their "nighttime cartoon"
all the while acting as if nothing was different.
he was so happy.
truly content with his creation.
and as we looked at him with our "wtf" faces
he simply looked at us with his
"what's wrong with you guys" face.
{like we were the weird ones.}
it's all over his back and back of his neck
you would have thought he had some help doing this
but this was a one-man-show.
9 months ago i would have walked in to see this and freaked out
i would have thrown him into the shower
scrubbed his skin until it was raw trying to get all the marker over it
and packed up markers like a mad woman.
however, thanks to all we have learned about our sweet little bear
in the last 9 months
hubby and i simply laughed hysterically
took this as a perfect photo op
and then left him alone.
i have to take him to therapy this morning (marker and all)
and with a straight face am going to try to look miss lynn straight in the eye and say,
"seems like something here isn't quite working."
because humor is how this family rolls