happy wednesday...and middle of the month
{holy time flies, batman}
i'm linking up with adorable lindsey at the pleated poppy
for her "what i wore wednesday" segment.
i've done this once and it was a blast;
however, this week is going to be slightly different.
i'm doing a little virtual shopping for a
"what i wish i wore wednesday"
truth be told, it's been a rough week
sick babies
little bear out of school for 14 days for spring break
(it's day 2 and we are already freaking out together)
and honestly this week i look like a crazy homeless lady
that is dragging 3 innocent children along for the ride.
so, here i go....
saturday was emmett's 8th birthday party
it was a football theme
all of his guests wore their favorite jersey, or team shirt.
this is what i wish i would have worn.
(yes i'm a die hard raiders fan...no judgment!)
shirt - NFL.com shop
this is what the boys at the party wore.
how adorable are they?
this is their mean football faces after an epic game
{dear mother nature - thank you for clearing the sky
for 2 blissful hours so that all these "crazy on sugar"
boys could run off their energy before the sleepover portion of
the party began. yours truly - temporarilly freaked out mother}
saturday, after we shoved blue chocolate chip pancakes
into these cute little faces
and sent them on their marry way with their parents
completely over-exhausted from staying up until 3:30
(ah to be a child again)
we simply putted around the house,
picking up things here and there.
i think i was in my jammie pants all day.
but, this is what i wish i would have worn...
how adorable is that dress
and with a bright pink cardi?
both dress and cardi - old navy
monday came real quick.
i mean, i don't remember sleeping sunday night.
the boys had school,
i worked and tried to get some laundry done
then i had both boys parent/teacher conferences.
i did dress up (sort of)
i had on jeans, a top, and a sweater.
hair done and make-up on.
however, this is what i wish i wore.
whole outfit - body c
monkey was sick
and this is what our day looked like.
tuesday emmett had school,
nolan is now home for 2 weeks of spring break (ouch)
nolan and i did a rainbow craft
and then emmett had baseball practice.
truth be told, i barely remembered practice
and about 20 minutes before it was time to go
i threw on a pair of baggy jeans (hubby hates them)
a long sleaved volcom top (used to be hubby's)
hair in a bun because it was pouring
very quickly threw some make-up at my face
packed up 2 sick kiddos that wanted nothing to do
with leaving the comforts of their blankets, couch, and cartoons.
and headed out to be the doting mother at E's practice.
this is what i wish i would have worn.
it probably would have made me feel a little better about the day,
had i put myself together.
(i seriously hate rushing around, never feels good.)
whole outfit - old navy
so there you go.
nothing special.
i'm loving virtually getting dressed up.
although slightly depressing,
because now i want to go shopping and don't have the funding for it.
(sad face)
don't forget to link up with some other amazing ladies
who actually have their stuff together.
maybe next week i can pull it of.
just maybe...
I enjoyed your spin on things. Link up to my Fashion Friday! I wish I wore those things too!