November 30, 2011


wholy moly it has been a while since I've updated.
I'm sorry.
I have no new photos for this post.
thanksgiving we went to elko, nevada to visit family.
we all passed around the flu for the week.
I had to bring my computer and work.
I got no photos.

we're home now, it's the last day of november,
hubby and I are still sick from last week.
monkey is sick {that's the worst, he's so little, no medicine.}
we are back into the work mode.
hubby is traveling again this week.

tomorrow is december 1st.
hubby and I have decided we want an overdose of christmas this month.
we created a game to see how many holiday movies we can watch this month.
even if we watch the same ones over and over again
{seriously abc family, switch it up a bit.}
although we are still not 100% {truthfully not even 60%}
little bear has a christmas program at school tomorrow
{he is so pumped, and crazy full of anxiety}
in between coughing fits last night, I tried to create our lists for the month.
{in an adorable christmas "to do" book that I will blog about later}
we have every weekend planned with something.
holiday parties {I think we might even throw one this year}
baking, decorating, crafting, shopping, wrapping, photo shoots
{finally a family picture that includes monkey}
trying to visit with friends and just enjoy all december has to offer.

although we are looking quite pathetic right now
{wont even go near eachother, cause we each have different sickies}
we are excited for the challange. 
I still have to unplug my work computer and plug my old one in to get photos and such
so my goal is to do that on sunday's and blog for the week so that each day it updates with something new {wish me luck}
I'm also going to complete my 365 because I'm too close now to just quit.

so again, sorry for no photos this time.
sorry I haven't updated anyone on what the haps are around here.
sorry we've been a little MIA these last few weeks.
but rest assured, I have a plan and will be putting it into action.

enjoy your last day of november...for tomorrow,
 the countdown begins!

p.s. if when santa brings me a pretty pink laptop for christmas, the task of updating the blog will be much more organized. promise.

November 18, 2011


right now i'm....
watching - everyone in the neighborhood leaving for work, taking kids to school, waking up and making the best of this friday.
{and the computer screen, i mean lets be honest.}
drinking - coffee with hazelnut large quantities.
wearing - sweats and a sweatshirt, cause that's how i roll in the mornings.
listeningmonkey watching cartoons...max and ruby I believe.

avoiding - packing for our trip, but i have a couple more days before we leave
so i'm good.
wishing - someone would come pack for me, and clean my house,
and take the kids for a few hours so i can have some quiet time.
feeling - tired and I'm not actually sure why, I got good sleep last night.
missing -  hubby. he's been working late every night this week and now has to go to klamath for the weekend to :((
needing - to laugh till it hurts with some good friends.
thinking - what is this week going to be like up at my parents with family.
thankful for - the little things, and I get to see my sister in just a couple days.
wondering - what the weather is going to be like for our drive to and from nevada...hopefully not a horrible snow storm like the last time we went.
praying - for a safe journey to nevada and back again; the ability for us all to join together for thanksgiving and just enjoy eachother in the moment.
nothing more. nothing less.
dreaming - of summer.  I'm not a huge fan of wintertime and the cold weather.
loving - my new haircut I got last night.  I chopped it all off and it feels great!
weather - cold, rainy, cloudy, possible snow in the mountains.
right now
admist all the chaos of life
and the upcoming holiday season
i'm just trying to enjoy.

happy friday everyone!!!

November 17, 2011

autzen stadium {part2}

i have no words to explain what an epic experience this was for all of us.
we knew half way through football season that we were picked to go,
but nothing could prepare us for the actual event.
as you walk up to this stadium
you suddenly feel so small.
the energy...
the excitement...
we have arrived!!!
this is how GP Pop Warner rolls now.
it was so awesome to represent
even on the oregon ducks field.
the boys are all lined up
and ready to be announced one-by-one.
game on!!!
we made a touchdown in the first 4 minutes of the game.
there was truly no stopping us.

he did so good.
one great tackle
and 2 almost interceptions.
just watching all our little men
play on this giant field...
again, i have no words.
this is E on the jumbotron, #22
how epic is that!!!

We Won!!!
We Won!!
The GP Raiders are might mite champs!
against junction city jaguars.

it was such an amazing day!

November 15, 2011

autzen stadium {part1}

we packed our bags.
decorated all the windows in the truck.
grabbed the kiddo next door {my 4th son}
and headed up to Eugene for a night.
we were greated like rock stars.
we took the boys to papa's pizza
which not only has the most amazing pizza we have ever tasted,
but it has a giant play area surrounded by windows
where the boys played....
and played....
and played...
this is monkey, who was too little to actually play the game.
so he decided to climb right into it
for the win.
hubby and i sat at a table with pizza and a cocktail
while we watched the boys try to run their nervous energy off.
{didn't work}
the hotel didn't have an indoor pool
but that didn't stop us from having some play time.
the boys jumped from bed to bed
{because that's what you do in a hotel room}
read the ducks yearbook magazine.
and watched the history channel {it was their choice, seriously}
it took a while to get them to settle down
but we finally did and everyone fell fast asleep.

{they don't make hotel rooms big enough for a family of 6, go figure}
snug as bugs
with butterflies in their tummies
promises of sweet dreams
for tomorrow....
is what awaits!!!

to be continued...

November 13, 2011

day{of the}dead

i'm behind...i know.
life is totally getting the better of me right now.
this whole switching from one computer to another is driving me bonkers!
hopefully santa is listening to my pleas
for a pretty pink laptop for christmas
{i swear i've been a good girl}
 halloween came and went and we had our
annual "allen halloween bash"
even though it was on a monday night...
school/work night.
 hubby loves halloween
it's his second favorite holiday next to christmas.
he likes to go all out,
creepy decorations,
scary sounds cd playing behind the bushes.
each year he gets bigger and better in decorations.
 little bear was a police officer this year {so adorable, he was a fireman last year}
i love his idea of a costume.
nothing scary, no super heros, nothing make believe.
{he is so his father's son}
 above is the only picture of monkey i got. he wasn't 100% into wearing his costume
so we had to quickly put it on and take him out trick-or-treating in order to keep it on.
however, he would not wear the headpiece, but he was a super cute "half" dragon.
and he got the hang of it real quick.
he would say, "trick-or-treat, candy, thank you" all in one sentence.
only tried to walk into 2 houses the whole night.
it was so much fun to watch him.
 school night or not, we still had our friends and their kids over.
these are my 2 favorite super hero ladies!
 see, told ya, he is totally in his element...

this is the crew of kids {minus alden who was an adorable contractor}
not to mention, it's the only picture i got of all 3 of my boys, so enjoy!
to answer your question, yes all of us adults do dress up.
it's required if you are going to attend an allen family halloween party.
so much fun.
can't believe it was here and gone in a blink of an eye.
i can't believe it's already november 14th and i'm just getting around to posting this.

i enjoyed seeing everyone's halloween blog pictures
who doesn't love a holiday full of make believe??