i'm behind...i know.
life is totally getting the better of me right now.
this whole switching from one computer to another is driving me bonkers!
hopefully santa is listening to my pleas
for a pretty pink laptop for christmas
{i swear i've been a good girl}
halloween came and went and we had our
annual "allen halloween bash"
even though it was on a monday night...
school/work night.
hubby loves halloween
it's his second favorite holiday next to christmas.
he likes to go all out,
creepy decorations,
scary sounds cd playing behind the bushes.
each year he gets bigger and better in decorations.
little bear was a police officer this year {so adorable, he was a fireman last year}
i love his idea of a costume.
nothing scary, no super heros, nothing make believe.
{he is so his father's son}
above is the only picture of monkey i got. he wasn't 100% into wearing his costume
so we had to quickly put it on and take him out trick-or-treating in order to keep it on.
however, he would not wear the headpiece, but he was a super cute "half" dragon.
and he got the hang of it real quick.
he would say, "trick-or-treat, candy, thank you" all in one sentence.
only tried to walk into 2 houses the whole night.
it was so much fun to watch him.
school night or not, we still had our friends and their kids over.
these are my 2 favorite super hero ladies!
see, told ya, he is totally in his element...
this is the crew of kids {minus alden who was an adorable contractor}
not to mention, it's the only picture i got of all 3 of my boys, so enjoy!
to answer your question, yes all of us adults do dress up.
it's required if you are going to attend an allen family halloween party.
so much fun.
can't believe it was here and gone in a blink of an eye.
i can't believe it's already november 14th and i'm just getting around to posting this.
i enjoyed seeing everyone's halloween blog pictures
who doesn't love a holiday full of make believe??
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